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2004 Volume 8.1

Editorial comment

Taking a broader view


The study of urban form in Germany
B. Hofmeister   {+}Abstract   [Full paper, PDF]

Workers'-cottage and minimal-bungalow districts in Oakland and Berkeley, California, 1870-1945
P. Groth   {+}Abstract   [Full paper, PDF]


M.R.G. Conzen, Gianfranco Caniggia, Oscar Wilde and Aesop K. Kropf

Urban-scale architecture today M. Gallarati

What's left out? R. Williamson

Reply to Williamson K.-J. Kim and P.J. Larkham

Book reviews

C. Guerrieri and G. Strappa (2003) Gianfranco Caniggia M.G. Corsini

K. Brandt, M. Müller-Wille and C. Radke (2002) Haithabu und die frühe Stadtentwicklung in nördlichen Europa T. Riis

J.M. Malville and L.M. Gujral (2000) Ancient cities, sacred skies J. Stargardt

P. Panerai and J. Langé (2001) Formes urbaines, tissus urbaines J.-M. Roux

K. Frank (2002) Historic preservation in the USA A.R. Alanen

M. Kulesza (2001) Morfogeneza miast na obszarze Polski środkowej w okresie przedrozbiorowym B. Miszewska

M.T. Tomlan and M.A. Tomlan (2003) Richmond, Indiana J.A. Jakle

D.M. Habel (2002) The urban development of Rome in the age of Alexander VII K. Kropf

V. Dudeck and J. Tomlow (2000) Der Zittauer Ring F. Opll

J.A.B. Hegewald (2002) Water architecture in South Asia F.F. Ruggles

L. Vidal (2002) De Nova Lisboa ŕ Brasília L.O. da Silva

C. Wilson and P. Groth (2003) Everyday America R. Muir

A.B. Jacobs, E. Macdonald and Y. Rofé (2002) The boulevard book M. Darin

P. Lassus (2002) Harmonie et rčgle urbaine J. Castex

D. Wiktorin et al. (2001) Köln: Der historisch-topographische Atlas G. Curdes

V. Sachdev and G. Tillotson (2002) Building Jaipur R.C. Tiwari

A. Volwahsen (2002) Imperial Delhi R.P.B. Singh

M. Pirveli (2002) Miasto gruzińskie w świetle europejskiej i orientalnej koncepcji urbanistycznej B. Jałowiecki

T. Scrase (2002) Medieval town planning D. Nicholas

Book notes

Notes and notices

- International Geographical Congress 2004

- Symposium in Urban Morphology 2004

- ISUF Business Meetings 2004

- Book notes

- Change of Assistant Editor

- New Urbanism

- New publications